Despite thunder, lightning and rain, we headed out for plein air painting. We went nearly to Birds Landing and turned off at Shilo Road. The rain had stopped and the sun was out. The sky to the west was still black and all we had were some puffy clouds moving quickly. I was here before. The church that I painted has been restored. The church grounds with a grave yard are meticulously manicured. That is not what I like for subject matter. I sketched some trees and hills and was now ready for another location. In getting out to my car I realized all the activity on the road. There are very tall eucalyptus trees being trimmed and all the equipment was in action. A man hung high above in a bucket at the end of a long boom. Another was high in the trees. Both were cutting limbs and dropping them to the ground. Later, they would be ground up. I was captured and why not try sketching and painting the scene?
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