Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Paint Daily?

Here are two watercolor paintings done over the weekend. They were attempts at mixing paint on the paper or 'direct glazing'. The California Missions have plenty of color and it was a challenge to mix and get different shades and intensities of color. Daily painting for me allows me this risk taking and trying out new things. There is some concern of not getting it 'right' but then you can do it again. When
working full time with only weekends and vacations for painting, I would hold back and paint only the tried and true in my insistance on getting it perfect. In the above mission paintings I had no idea what would happen with all of the reds. I started with new gamboge and added opera or alizarin red. While still wet I tried several blues for this direct glazing experiment. What surprises and it was fun without fear of failure.

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