One would think that fog and watercolor would be a natural. There are many ways to do it. Whitney tried putting the paint down and rubbing it out and later turned to misting the shapes to show fog. After all, fog is just rain drops causing loss of the sharpness and color of what is in the fog. In a painting with fog the value scale is at the lower end, perhaps 3-5. In order to show fog you put color and definition into the foreground shapes. Others make up a color for fog. There is paint on the market that is labeled fog. Mixing a grey and doing a graded wash is what was done in this painting. A little color and definition starts to appear and then the rock shapes are definite and colored. In the past I created fog by using a graded wash of sky color and then washing it away. I watched the fog over the Golden Gate come in and leave blue sky above, so I washed the fogged in areas with clear water. I'll bet there are more ways to do it.